National Data and Analytics Platform released by NITI Aayog

NITI Aayog announced that it will launch National Data and Analytics Platform (NDAP). The Platform aims to democratize access of government data. In other words, the platform aims to make the data across all sectors coherent.
The NDAP will act as a platform for different stakeholders to access data in an easy way. It will host latest data from all the government websites. Also, the platform will standardize formats in which data has to be presented. The progress of the platform is to be overseen by an inter-ministerial committee. The platform is to be launched in 2021.
The NITI Aayog is National Institution for Transforming India. It is a policy think tank that was established to achieve sustainable development goals through cooperative federalism. Cooperative Federalism encourage healthy competition among states.
NITI aayog was established in 2015 replacing Planning Commission. Prime Minister is the chair person of NITI Aayog. It also includes governing council that is composed of CM of all states and union territories.
NITI Aayog has planned to implement Block chain technology in E-governance. In order to achieve this, the think tank has conceptualized “India chain”