Dakshinam Sarees launched ‘A Saree Soiree’ hosted by Nina Reddy with a Fashion Walk showcasing traditional weaves of India accompanied by live indie fusion and vocals by Janani Madan on 1st October 2021

Dakshinam Sarees launched ‘A Saree Soiree’ hosted by Nina Reddy with a Fashion Walk showcasing traditional weaves of India accompanied by live indie fusion and vocals by Janani Madan on 1st October 2021
Dakshinam Sarees launched ‘A Saree Soiree’ hosted by Nina Reddy with a Fashion Walk showcasing traditional weaves of India accompanied by live indie fusion and vocals by Janani Madan on 1st October 2021
Dakshinam Sarees launched ‘A Saree Soiree’ hosted by Nina Reddy with a Fashion Walk showcasing traditional weaves of India accompanied by live indie fusion and vocals by Janani Madan on 1st October 2021

Dakshinam Sarees launched ‘A Saree Soiree’ hosted by Nina Reddy with a Fashion Walk showcasing traditional weaves of India accompanied by live indie fusion and vocals by Janani Madan on 1st October 2021

Dakshinam Sarees launched ‘A Saree Soiree’ - A festive evening of textiles, craft, coffee and conversations hosted by Nina Reddy. The evening also featured a fashion walkshowcasing traditional weaves of India accompanied by live indo fusion and vocals by Janani Madan on 1st October 2021 at ‘Dakshinam Sarees’.

“At Dakshinam Sarees doing business is not just about Commerce, all of us know that it's also when there's a purpose and we should all look into the lives of the Weavers. So Applause for the Weavers who make us look good like this” – Nina Reddy

“After traveling to nine states and about 50 districts. I came down to Southern Sarees in a district where I started my journey and it was also my trip to Madurai to Hiroshima Temple. On the way back from Mysore this journey really inspired me to say how a business can be conscious at the same time and it's not just making money on buying and selling that we have to do, but we can work for the community work and for  the society and be a conscious business that's self-sustaining ends” - Yogesh Jhamtani (Director of Dakshinam Sarees).

About Dakshinam Sarees

Dakshinam Sarees houses Southern Weavers’ pride with their exquisite collection of 28 different types of clusters of Kanjivaram silk, soft silk, Kanjivaram cotton, silk cotton, Pochampallyikkat, Mysore silk, printed and woven Tussar, Matkar Silk, Banarasi silk, and more.